(d) Large scale map for other governmental Department and Agency, guide maps etc. (c) Mapping and Production of Topographic Maps. Customize Map Server Use your preferred mapping and imagery providers for the base maps in ExpertGPS. Ground Control Point Surveys and Mapping for the whole country of Myanmar. Show Map Retrieval Status Show the number of map images queued for retrieval from the Internet map servers. WebDownload 1952 Churches in Kansas as GPS POIs (waypoints), view and print them over topo maps, and send them directly to your GPS using ExpertGPS map. In Kayah State, fighting, airstrikes, and shelling on 3 June near Bawlakhe town in Bawlakhe Township displaced 120 people to Loikaw town. Allow ExpertGPS to access the Internet to retrieve topo maps and aerial photos. In Mon State, 1,200 IDPs were verified in Bilin, Thaton, and Kyaikmaraw Townships, following their displacement caused by increased fighting and insecurity near their villages. Samples of the topo map and orthophoto (aerial photo) coverage in ExpertGPS topo map software. Base Map - MIMU Boundaries - WFP/MIMU Place names - Ministry of Home Affairs (GAD) translated by MIMU Map ID: MIMU982v01 Completion Date: 5 March 2013. Among them 255 IDPs people displaced secondarily. Plan your next outdoor adventure over scanned USGS topo maps and send a route directly to your GPS receiver to guide you in the field. View GPS waypoints and tracklogs from any handheld GPS receiver over aerial photos and US topographic maps.
The elevation of the places in Myanmar is also provided on the maps. ExpertGPS is the ultimate GPS map software for planning outdoor adventures. These maps also provide topograhical and contour idea in Myanmar. The Elevation Maps of the locations in Myanmar are generated using NASAs SRTM data. In Bago Region (East), fighting and airstrikes in the area displaced about 3,300 people from four villages in Kyaukkyi Township within the same township and towards Phyu Township. Below you will able to find elevation of major cities/towns/villages in Myanmar along with their elevation maps. In the South-East, the number of IDPs rose sharply from 446,800 from last week to 452,100 this week.